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Refers to goods or cargo that must stay within a particular zone or region during transport or storage.

What is Zone-restricted?

Zone-restricted is a term in foreign trade zones (FTZ) in reference to goods that have been admitted to a FTZ, but only for exportation or destruction. Zone-restricted goods cannot be removed to Customs territory for domestic consumption without the specific consent of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board.

Some specific criteria for zone-restricted goods includes:

  • Must be admitted to a FTZ for only exportation or destruction.
  • Must be clearly marked as ‘zone-restricted’.
  • Must be stored in a secure location in the FTZ.
  • Must be accounted for at all times.
  • Must be exported or destroyed within a certain period of time.

Zone-restricted goods are valuable for businesses interested in importing goods, but who might not have a specific distribution plan or buyer in place.

Related articles: 

Section 301 Tariffs: A Comprehensive Guide 

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315 NE 14th St #4122
Ocala, FL 34470
(855) 912-0406
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