Importing 101: A Helpful Guide
for New Importers

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Importing 101 Webinar - Getting Started Form $99 (#54)
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Getting Started - $99

Importing 101 On-Demand Video, including an introductory overview of:

  • Power of Attorney
  • Importer of Record
  • Customs Bonds
  • Harmonized Tariff Classification
  • Required Documentation
  • Duties and Tariffs
  • Customs Clearance
  • And More!

Importing 101 Handbook

*This item DOES NOT include information about specific commodities. It is intended to be an introduction to the customs clearance process for new importers.

What's Included in the Importing 101 Starter Guide?

For those brand new to the importing process or who just want to learn more, our Importing 101 Starter Guide is designed to provide you with all of the necessary information you need to get started.
Written and narrated by a CBP-Licensed Customs Broker, our instructional video serves as your personal guide through the customs clearance process. With clear explanations and real-world examples, you'll gain a solid understanding of key concepts, including:
How to become a registered importer
Securing a customs bond
Obtaining the required documentation
Information about international duties and tariffs
Ensuring proper marking and valuation requirements
and much more!
Importing 101 Starter Guide - Image of Laptop & Smartphone with Yellow Checkmark
But we don't stop there! We understand that learning styles vary, which is why we've included a downloadable handbook that encapsulates all the essential information covered in the video. This handbook serves as a handy reference guide, allowing you to revisit key points at your own pace and convenience.

Whether you're importing goods for personal use or for your business, this comprehensive guide will empower you to navigate the import landscape with confidence.

Don't let the complexities of importing hold you back. Order your Importing 101 Starter Guide and begin your import journey today!
*This is intended to be a beginner's guide and DOES NOT include information about your specific commodities or situation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We've got answers. Explore common inquiries about our guide and ensure you have all the information you need to make the right decision for your situation.

No, the Importing 101 Starter Guide is an On-Demand product intended to be an introductory overview of the most important topics you’ll need to know when importing into the U.S.

If you’d like to sit down with a live customs broker to get personalized guidance about your specific shipment, please schedule a consulting session!

Once you purchase your guide, you’ll be able to find a link to the video on your “My Account” page. There, you can watch the video as often as you would like and at your own pace.

Once you purchase your guide, the handbook can be found on your “My Account” page. There, you can download your copy for easy access anytime you need it.

Ready to take control of your imports and unlock new opportunities for your business? Purchase the Importing 101 Starter Guide and gain instant access to the tools and knowledge you need to succeed.

Need further assistance? Our dedicated customer support team is here to help. Call us at (855) 912-0406 with any questions or concerns, and we'll be happy to assist you on your importing journey.

USA Customs Clearance
315 NE 14th St #4122
Ocala, FL 34470
(855) 912-0406
Copyright AFC International LLC. All Rights Reserved.