Tariff Classification
Having the wrong HTS number for your product causes shipping delays and violations. We provide you with exact duties and required regulations.

Section 301 Support
Many imported products from China are being assessed additional tariffs under Section 301 Act. We help you receive any applicable refunds you’re eligible for.

Avoid ISF Penalties
All commercial ocean shipments arriving at a U.S. port of entry require an ISF Filing. We submit the ISF on time to help you avoid a $5,000 fine from CBP.

Duty Drawback & Mitigation
Our Team of Brokers evaluate your current importing program to determine your eligibility for a complete or partial refund of import duties.

Gov't Agency Compliancy Assistance
Our Brokers evaluate your shipment and ensure it’s in compliance with government agencies like the FDA, USDA, and EPA, which require additional paperwork.

Post Summary Correction Submission
We can quickly and accurately help you file a customs protest or post summary correction if there were any tariff changes or errors made on previous shipments.