A Preferential Duty Rate (PDR) is a reduced tariff rate of duty. It’s usually even lower than the normal Most Favored Nation (MFN) rate that’s applied to goods imported from countries with that status. PDRs are normally used to promote investments and trade between countries.
There are several, different types of PDRs, including:
To claim a PDR, the importer must typically provide proof of origin for the goods. Proof of origin is documentation that outlines that the goods were produced in the country that’s eligible for the PDR. These tariffs can be set between whatever the established MFN tariff is and 0%.
Related articles:
U.S. Tariff Rate Quotas and How To Take Advantage of Them - USA Customs Clearance
Taxes on Imported Goods: A Guide to Tariffs, Duties, and More - USA Customs Clearance