ISF-5 vs ISF-10: What's the Difference?

Imported containers sit in port after being listed in an ISF-10.
An Importer Security Filing gives CBP better visibility into the goods entered into the U.S. Learn whether your import requires an ISF-5 or an ISF-10.
February 9, 2024
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Last Modified: February 19, 2024

An ISF-5 is a document required for transit cargo entering a U.S. port by ocean vessel, such as FROB and in-bond shipments. An ISF-10, on the other hand, is required for non-temporary ocean imports into the U.S. Importer security filings must be transmitted no less than 24 hours prior to the goods being loaded onto a ship bound for the U.S.

Read on to learn more about the difference between these two import documents, and when each is required by importers.

What’s the Difference Between ISF 5 and ISF 10?

An Importer Security Filing (ISF) gives U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) better visibility into the goods entered into the U.S. The primary differences between an ISF-5 and ISF-10 are as follows:

  1. The amount of time the goods will stay inside U.S. borders - temporary or long-term
  2. The amount of data elements required  

We’ll give an explainer for each type of ISF below.

A container ship full of transit cargo arrives at a U.S. port after filing an ISF-5.


Simply put, an ISF-5 is required by foreign importers for shipments that are only temporarily imported into the U.S. on the way to its final destination at a foreign port of unlading. This type of shipment typically includes transit cargo or in-bond shipments marked:

  • Freight remaining on board (FROB)
  • Immediate exportation (IE)
  • Transportation and Exportation (T&E)
  • Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ)

CBP began enforcing the ISF-5 rule in March 2019, ensuring increased security of high-risk shipments, even if the cargo is only temporarily within U.S. borders.  

The person typically responsible for transmitting the ISF-5 on time is known as the booking party. This is usually the Foreign Importer of Record who makes the direct purchase from overseas. In some cases, the booking party may be a third party, such as the freight forwarder or consignee. 

The data elements required for an ISF-5 include:

  1. Booking Party
  2. Foreign Port of Unlading
  3. Place of Delivery
  4. Ship to Party
  5. HS Commodity Code (6-digit level)

Learn more about how to submit an ISF correctly with our helpful guide.

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An ISF-10 is documentation required for a non-temporary import into the U.S. by sea. Because the goods covered by an ISF-10 are being permanently imported into the U.S., not passing through temporarily, a lot more information is required by CBP.

The data elements required for an ISF-10 include: 

  1. Seller 
  2. Buyer
  3. Importer of Record Number (or FTZ Applicant Identification Number)
  4. Consignee Number(s) 
  5. Manufacturer (or Supplier)
  6. Ship to Party 
  7. Country of Origin
  8. Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) Code
  9. Container Stuffing Location 
  10. Consolidator

It’s worth noting that both types of ISF require a submission deadline of 24 hours before the goods are loaded onto a vessel bound for the U.S. Additionally, inaccuracies or failure to file an ISF on-time can result in a fine of $5,000 per infraction.

To learn more about an importer security filing 10+2, check out our overview article!

File Your ISF with USA Customs Clearance

Whether you need to file an ISF-5 or ISF-10, USA Customs Clearance can be your guide throughout the entire import process. 

Get expert guidance from a Licensed Customs Broker and ensure all of your import documentation is submitted accurately and on-time. Give us a call at (855) 912-0406 or fill out our customs brokerage to get started.

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